Sales: 214.724.6808 | Support: 810.922.9558
Welcome to the Global IP Tandem.NET Portal Home page

Thank you for coming to the Global IP Tandem's Portal site. If you are not an existing Member company but would like to become one, or your company is already a registered Member and you would like to get a username and password to our Portal sites click on the Register Now! link to the right to get started.

If you have a username and password please click on either the Member Portal, Network Analytics or Employee Portal. Use the username and password supplied to you by Global IP Tandem to enter.

The Member Portal allows approved users to review financial information, pay bills, download previous invoices as well as open and maintain Billing Support or Network Trouble tickets with Global IP Tandem.






Please Note:




Inside the Network Analytics portal you will have access to realtime statistical call patterns and traffic metering. You will be able to request changes to your current NPA/NXX blocks, add, change, remove switch configurations and essentially analyze and review your current call trafficing systems with Global IP Tandem.

If while you are using one of our Portal sites you would like to see additional information or need the supplied information process and displayed differently just let us know. Leave us 'Feedback' and we will do our best to accommodate your request.